Sustainable Innovation. Inspiring Brands.


Mouth-watering and delectable branding solutions were consistently cooked up at EDG and delivered fresh to our client, NutriFit, the ultimate gourmet home meal delivery service.

Brand Identity, Packaging, Signage, Website Design

Westside based NutriFit has successfully delivered door-to-door freshly prepared meals to individuals and families since 1987. Their clientele consists of people whose lives are too busy for grocery shopping and stressing over a hot stove
and who appreciate the convenience and healthful benefits of NutriFit’s delicious
meal delivery service. However, after all
of NutriFit’s successes, Co-Founder and Chef, Jackie Keller, and life partner and
Co-Founder, Phil Yaney, saw the need to refresh their brand and give it an energy boost. They chose EDG to find a highly nutritional brand recipe that would reenergize NutriFit and set them apart from an ever-increasing competitive market in Southern California. In the end, this branding assignment was a complete brand redo
from soup to nuts, which included a handsome new brand ID, the design of a stationery system, delivery bags, menus, high energy bar, snack mix and spice packaging, posters, direct mail promotions, signage, car wraps, bike jerseys and caps, brochures, newsletters, and a complete design overhaul of their website. Last but not least, EDG created a second logo for NutriFit for their 25th anniversary, plus all of the support materials that commemorated this awesome couple and the entire NutriFit team and their dedicated years of service. In the end this entire rebranding campaign was the best thing for NutriFit and it’s clientele since the advent of sliced bread.

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